The Brazilian butt process is a process with wide fame. This process relies on enlarging the buttocks by injecting the self-fat. Fat injection is an easy procedure but needs considerable experience.
The Brazilian butt process helps to gain a beautiful body and an attractive butt. The process is done through Vaser Liposuction with from different areas of the body through small holes, and then injected into the buttocks to give the size and more shape
Here are some of the reasons why the Brazilian butt lift process:
- To improve its overall volume by balancing the top and bottom sections of the buttocks.
- To lift and tighten the buttocks.
- To help wearing more attractive clothes.
- To reduce waist fat and sculpting, as well as fullness of buttocks and back.
- For the appearance and division of the body.
It should be noted that after the buttocks enlargement process with self-fat, it should not be sitting on buttocks for at least two weeks for long periods, and the pillow given by Aesthetic Hub Turkey should be used for sitting, also you should take note that the injected fat.
About 40% goes away due to the lack of fat in nutrition from the capillaries. Of course, the process has limitations in the injection, it is not possible to inject very large quantities because this leads to serious problems.
Enlarging the butt with silicone implants:
The butt enlargement operations occupied third place in plastic surgery to obtain the slim body after liposuction and body sculpting. It was the ideal solution for those suffering from a small, flabby, and incongruous butt with the body’s shape.
Brazilian butt lift with implants specially designed silicone filling is inserted between two muscle layers and change the butt size.
Silicone implants are inserted between two layers of muscles by a simple surgical incision 4 cm from the butt’s top part. Then this wound is closed by cosmetic stitching.
Are silicone implants safe?
The implants that are usually used to enlarge the butt are not explosive, as they are generally made of a type of rubber silicone that does not leak. Therefore, we must make it clear that they are completely safe. The global health ministry authorizes these implants, so there is no danger of as a result of its use, as it does not interact in the body.